About 15 years after I was born on the 25th of May 1966 I purchased my first SLR camera, after having used my parents Konica C35 for some years. Initially I developed my photography skills by reading books to learn about the technical part of photography and studying pictures in books from photographers like Robert Frank, Paul Huf and Freeman Patterson.
Photography became a serious hobby and together with “De Fotovakschool” (school for professional photography education) I organised a number of photography workshops for my colleagues at Canon. Soon after those workshops I decided to start a part-time education at "De Fotovakschool" to become a professional photographer. Before passing the final exams I had already registered as professional, part-time, photographer in The Netherlands, taking on assignments like portrait on location, company documentaries, product photography, photography during big sport- and dance events, supplying pictures to graphic designers and taking all the pictures for a calendar of a town called Muiderberg.
During those years I also started to see a pattern in my personal/professional development and area of interest. I have a passion to help people grow and develop in their private or business lives. This discovery resulted in the organisation and teaching of several workshops/courses about all aspects of photography.
To boost my creativity I decided at the end of 2006 to start with a project called “Project 2007”. Project goal: publish at least one picture each day for a whole year using only a Canon PowerShot G5 and if needed it’s wide or tele converter. The project also had another very important purpose: to show that in our busy daily lives, we tend to forget, not see, rush by and appreciate the beauty of small things which are around us. Starting and finishing this project did not only re-ignite my creativity. It also moved my photography into a different/new style and direction, which has resulted in the pictures, writings and words of reflection on this website.
Currently I am using my iPhone XR and Canon EOS-R to take pictures. I process my pictures using Canon Digital Professional 4, Photoshop CC and the NIK Collection 3.0 from DxO.
I hope that the pictures and texts that go with them, become a source of inspiration, reflection, personal growth or may help you to get through rough or difficult times but most importantly: put a smile on your face no matter how small. Feedback is always appreciated and if you have questions do not hesitate to send me a message.
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