The perfect way to end a busy day, relax the brain and remove possible stress after a long day in for instance the office or at home. Start by enjoying the trip from the office to your house, make a bicycle ride or go for a walk. While doing this appreciate the simple small things and may be you find this kind of small pockets of beautiful nature which capture the last sun rays of the day. You may pass such a place everyday but if you pay attention you will be able to enjoy a different “painting by nature” every single day.
My favourite place: Lake Quietude. To relax even more and relieve my body from possible stress build-up during the day I sometimes stop here on my way home, park my bicycle at the side of the bicycle lane and sit down in the grass. First I observe the lake and its surroundings with all my senses. I look at the trees, the light, the reflection in the water. Listen to the sounds of the birds and may be the leaves of the trees moving in the wind. Smell the air and if I am lucky the freshly cut grass. Feel the grass, the sun touching my skin and warming up my body and may be a gentle breeze. Smell the air and if I am lucky the freshly cut grass. Feel the grass, the sun touching my skin and warming up my body and may be a gentle breeze. I take a few deep and slow breaths through my nose, trying to fill my lower abdomen completely with air. In the beginning not easy but after a few breaths it gets easier, deeper and slower. With every inhalation I feel fresh energy entering my body and I can feel the stress from the day slowly disappearing with each exhalation. The stress of the day is being replaced by a relaxed, happy and connected feeling.
What is your favourite spot to try this the next time your are stressed or feel disconnected from the world around you?